"Your heart knows the way, run in that direction."
£22 plus booking fee per session
Yoke Yoga Studio
Saturday 22nd March 12pm-1.30pm
Saturday 12th April 12pm - 1.30pm
Saturday 17th May 12pm - 1.30pm
Time to honour and nurturte yourself through movement, breathwork and meditation
Pregnancy is both ordinary and extraordinary. Each and every pregnancy is unique just as each and every person is. I will support you to enjoy and appreciate your expanding body as it moves through the various stages of pregnancy, listen and trust your intuition and deepen your bond with your baby.
Practices specifically adapted for you during pregnancy and suitable for second and third trimester. These classes are offered as a support during pregnancy and to prepare physically, emotionally and spiritually for birth and motherhood. Everyone is welcome regardless of perceived ability or how you choose to birth.
We will practice postures to promote strength and flexibility of muscles, to give you a deeper insight into your pregnancy, gentle breathing exercises to calm and boost vitality that you will, if you want, be able to use during birth and guided visualisations and meditations to support a sense of deep rest.
Benefits of Yoga during pregnancy
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